Muscadine may not be the best selling wine in the market. But, if you are a wine lover, you must definitely try this wine from the Muscadine grapes. Actually, you can buy it in any stores out there or even order it online. However, if you want to have an extraordinary wine experience, you can make your DIY wine from Muscadine. We have here incredible recipes on how to make a homemade Muscadine wine. Interested? Check them out below!
What Is Muscadine Wine?
Muscadine is actually a variety of native grape in America which is generally used in the winemaking process of dry wine and port-style drinks way back in the 16th century. The wine of the Muscadine typically situated on the sweeter side due to the incorporation of sugars by the winemakers during the process of winemaking. Scientifically known as the Vitis rotundifolia, the Muscadine predominantly grows within the warm, humid climates.
The color of the grapes basically falls on a bronze or copper to nearly black, yet, many of the fruit imbibe the green color until its ripening stage. You can actually eat the berries despite the thick skin which make it hard for chewing. Generally, eating the berries of the Muscadine needs the skin puncturing in order to suck out the flesh. Perhaps, the thick skin is an indication that Muscadine is truly rich in polyphenols which is a good source of antioxidants.
The Muscadine grapes can generally produce red wines and white wines because of its wide color variation. It creates medium-bodied wines in which the white ones have a banana and white flower flavors and the reds elicit a ripe red fruit tastes. Moreover, you may also taste some notes of lime, salt, and pine resin. Yet, it is highly advisable to consume Muscadine wines on their young stage because of its fast oxidative property.
Surprisingly, the ripe grapes of Muscadine can be as big as a golf ball when they grow. Because of the size, harvesting them should be via a hand-pick process. It naturally contains a low amount of sugar which needs the wine to blend well with additional sugar during the process of winemaking. So, grab your bottle of Muscadine or make your own Muscadine wine and try this excellent wine experience.
How to Make a Homemade Muscadine Wine – The Old Fashioned Style
Looking back on history, the winemaking process makes use of wide cultivation of Muscadine grapes. But, nowadays, making Muscadine wine is actually easy as you can possibly make your own DIY wine from Muscadine grapes. Actually, there is already a long list of recipes on how to make a homemade Muscadine wine.
Below is one of those homemade Muscadine wine recipes. Generally, the old fashioned recipe on how to make a homemade Muscadine wine will filter the liquids from the solids particles. Moreover, it is not actually needed to take out the skin and seeds of the grapes prior to its mashing. The way on how to make a homemade Muscadine wine requires about 1 quart of grapes already mashed which means that you basically need at least 4 pounds of grapes to come up with that amount.
- Granulated sugar – about cups
- Filtered water – around 3 quarts
- Muscadine grapes – mashed; at least 1 quart
- Active dry yeast – 1 packet of about ¼ ounce
Step-by-step Procedure

- Initially, gather all the required ingredients.
- Basically, dissolve the sugar in about 3 quarts of water using a large glass container with about a gallon size capacity.
- Eventually, mash the grapes of Muscadine.
- Afterwards, put the mashed fruit into the water and add some active dry yeast on top.
- Using a coffee filter or cheesecloth, cover the glass container with the mashed fruit. Take note that you do not need to stir this at this stage.
- Eventually, stir the mixture on the next day and for a week; stir it on a daily basis. Just ensure to change the filter or the cloth after stirring.
- Using another clean gallon container with an airlock, filter the liquids.
- In order to fill up to the top of the gallon container, add some more water.
- Ferment the wine for a period of 6 weeks.
- Once again, filter it and keep it inside a clean gallon container.
- For 3 days, cap it lightly for an additional fermentation period.
- Transfer it in a bottle and cap it. Afterwards, store the wine bottle in a cool place.
- Finally, it is now time to serve and enjoy!
How to Make a Homemade Muscadine Wine – Great-Tasting Style Recipe
A full-bodied and fragrantly Muscadine wine can be easily accessible with just a snap by making your own great-tasting style Muscadine wine recipe. Aside from that, this recipe on how to make a homemade Muscadine wine is actually good for the health as long as you don’t drink much.
Materials Needed
Below are the required types of equipment for making a Muscadine wine at home:
- Container or bin – at least one-gallon capacity
- Demijohns with fitted airlock – 2 pieces with one-gallon size each
- Filtering bag or muslin cloth – large size
- Vinyl siphon tube – at least 3 feet long
- Glass wine bottles with fitted corks – 6 pieces
- Funnel – about large in size
- Homemade wine starter kit
Basically, make sure to clean and sterilize all pieces of equipment before and after use. Remember that even point size dirt can generally damage the fermentation process. Use boiling water to sterilize the equipment. But, as much as possible, get rid of using bleaching agents because it may leave residues that may be harmful to health.
Here are the additional tools that you need when you try to do the way on how to make a homemade Muscadine wine. Yet, as mentioned, these tools are all optional depending on your choice.
- Gloves – either of powder-free latex type or household rubber. You must need this because Muscadine grapes are highly acidic and dealing with large amounts may lead to sensitive skin irritation
- Hydrometer – basically, this gadget looks similarly with a thermometer. It acts to keep track of the wine’s progress in every crucial stage of the winemaking process.
- Testing kit for acid – this is also known as the titration kit which comes in handy when testing the acidity of highly acidic fruits
- Muscadine grapes – fresh, 3 lbs ( in case you can’t find any fresh one, try to look for other fruit wine recipes)
- Granulated sugar – 2.5 lbs
- Red wine yeast – check the packet instructions for the amount to be used
- Yeast nutrient – also check for the packet instructions for the amount to be used
- Wine stopper
- Stabilizer like potassium sorbate
Step-by-step Procedure
1. Look for Muscadine grapes
It is actually in late July to late September when you can found abundant numbers of grapes because it is their harvest season. You can found the grapes within the supermarkets along with the country and farmers of the southern region offer a “U-Pick” scheme. This lets the public to pick their own grapes for free. Actually, this is a cheap way to store ripe Muscadine grapes so be alert on roadside signs and public notices about this scheme.

As much as possible, try to pick Muscadines on warm, sunny weather. It could be on a late morning or late evening. Take note that Muscadine will begin losing their flavor and start to rotten once you pick the grapes from the vine. That’s why it is better to plan to make your way on how to make a homemade Muscadine wine on the same day of picking the fruit.
2. Prepare the Muscadines
The next step on the way on how to make a homemade Muscadine wine and also might be the important one is the preparation of the Muscadines. Just a tip, in case your skin is a little bit sensitive, it is better to wear your gloves.
Basically, wash all the grapes you have picked or bought and if they are still on the vine, remove it there and ensure that no tiny stalk left. Cut through the Muscadine fruit. But there are different techniques on how to do the cutting. Here are some of those that might be helpful:
In a bowl sufficient to hold the fruits, place the Muscadine grapes and hold about four pieces of needles between your fingers in a fist position. Basically, punch your hands into the bowl to pierce many grapes.
Using two Tupperware lids or chopping board, tap a handful of grapes and press it down on the top. Cut the grapes through the middle in a horizontal direction in half using a bread knife or any knife having a serrated edge.
Get a meat tenderizer or a mallet or hammer and simply bash the grapes away.
This method is actually the easiest way to peel the tough skin of the Muscadine grapes. Place the grapes into a bag and get it inside the freezer. After a few hours, the skin will automatically crack and eventually, you can defrost them.
3. Begin cooking
- Basically, boil the 3 quarts of water and let it cool.
- Add sugar on it and continue stirring until completely dissolved.
- Mashed the Muscadines very well
- On the top of brew container, fix the straining bag tightly and pour the mashed grapes over the top.
- Eventually, squeeze the bag very well to extract any grape juice from it.
- Pour on some water and sugar.
- Moreover, add the yeast nutrient and the yeast afterwards.
- Stir it gently and cover the brewing container.
- Leave the container for about 7 to 10 day with a daily stirring to allow the fermentation process to take place.
- Read the specific gravity of the Muscadine after the first 24 hours using a hydrometer. In case you have the said equipment, the reading should be between 1.100 and 1.003. Once the reading falls on 1.030, it basically means that the fermentation process is already complete.
- Moreover, if you have the acid testing kit, test the wine after 24 hours as well. The acid level should not be more than 7.
4. Post-fermentation
- Once again, strain the mixture to remove all the little bits of foam over the top of the liquid mixture.
- Transfer the wine into the demijohns. Use a funnel and pour the wine mixture.
- Pour on some filtered or bottled water in case the liquid doesn’t reach the neck of the bottle.
- Moreover, add on about a teaspoon or two of sugar.
- Generally, fit in the airlock and leave the demijohn in a cool, dark place for about 3 weeks.
5. Racking process
It’s time to begin the racking process to clarify the wine.
- Basically, transfer the wine into a new demijohn and leave tiny bits of residues into the first demijohn.
- Eventually, repeat the racking process for about twice to get the possible result. Remember, Muscadine has a very deep color and tough skin.
- After filling all the wine into the demijohns, place the all the wine-filled demijohns into a table or flat chair.
- Remove the airlock and using the siphon tube, lower it down into the wine about half an inch from the jar’s bottom and take off the good wine liquid. Keep in mind to leave all the sediments behind.
- Moreover, suck on the other end of the tube until you achieve the taste of the wine. Place the end of the tube into the second demijohn and fill it up immediately.
- Generally, add up some filtered water and a teaspoon of sugar on top of the racked or siphoned wine.
- Put back the airlock and let it stay in a cool, dark place for another period of three weeks.
- Repeat the racking process after the three weeks time.
6. Transfer it in a bottle

- Initially, dip the siphon tube in the bottom of the demijohn and suck the other end to start the liquid to flow.
- Directly pour on the wine from the tube to the new bottles.
- Generally, seal the bottle by using corker and cork.
- Age with wine inside the wine bottle for a period of 2 to 3 years. This is generally a long time of waiting, so it is better to open a bottle after 6 months, and another 6 months later on to check the changes in the wine flavor.
Final Thoughts
The process on how to make a homemade Muscadine wine entails an enjoyable yet challenging winemaking procedure. You’ll have to punch on the thick skin of the Muscadine grapes in order to mash it up properly. Moreover, you also need to have patience as the fermentation period and the ageing of the wine to enhance its taste take a very long waiting time depending on the Muscadine wine recipe that you have. But, after that, you will definitely have and taste a one-of-a-kind Muscadine wine of your own. So, let’s cheers on that!