Making wine at home can be possibly and easily done. However, the question lies in the possibility of making wine without yeast. Actually, the homemade winemaking is a popular process now within the wine industry. All you need is take some effort and time in waiting for the fermentation process to take place. We have here three great-tasting recipes on how to make homemade wine without yeast. So, if you are interested, check them out below!
What Is Yeast and Its Role in Winemaking?
Basically, the yeast is a microorganism having a single-cell structure. It categorically belongs to the fungi family and usually a primary ingredient in alcohol making. Generally, yeast is the primary responsible in the fermentation process.
This process or chemical reaction happens during an absence of oxygen which leads to sugar conversion by the yeast. The sugar basically converted in the fruit to the alcohol. Moreover, the fermentation also provides carbon dioxide in the process.
Generally, most homemade wine or those sweeter fermented grapes, peaches or berries may get an overall higher content of alcohol. Basically, when there is more sugar, it means that there will be more food consumption for the yeast that will be converted into alcohol.
Moreover, modern winemaking makes use of one strain of industrial yeast known as Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Meanwhile, there are also yeasts that occur naturally in the vineyards and on the grape fruits. This yeast variety is usually a wild strain and non-Saccharomyces.
Is it Possible to Make Wine without Yeast?
Natural wine is basically the homemade wine recipe that does not use industrial yeast in fermenting sugar and water into alcohol. This product usually depends on the natural process called as wild fermentation. Due to the minute size of the yeast, they are not really visible with the naked eyes. Yet, it doesn’t mean that the yeasts do not exist.
Actually, yeasts are present within the surrounding and in fact, we didn’t know that the yeasts are the ones converted the grape juice into alcohol. Perhaps, all of this time, the ripe grapes are the main ingredients needed to make wine. This is actually due to the wild yeast that is naturally present on the outside of the grapes.
Natural Wine’s Fermentation Process
The ripe grapes actually have sufficient amount of sugar in order for the wild yeasts to go on wild fermentation. Such amount is basically enough to turn the liquid into its alcoholic state. These alcohol levels are appropriate to maintain the freshness and preserve the grapes naturally. With this, we may conclude that making wine out of pure grapes is such an easy process. And in order to begin the fermentation, simply crush the grapes and store it inside a closed vessel.
Once the grapes are crushed, the process of wild fermentation begins due to the wild yeasts that are present on the outside cover of the grapes. Moreover, these yeasts work directly on the natural sugar content of the grapes. The sugar will eventually release by-products such as the alcohol and carbon dioxide which are represented by bubbles fizzing on the top of the liquid. It is also in this process in which the yeasts enhance the wine’s flavor and texture.
Basically, the moment the alcohol level increases, the wild fermentation process in the natural wine automatically ends. This is due to the fact that the yeasts do not have the ability to stand the high amounts of alcohol. Further, the yeasts will die and the fermentation ends as well.
Pros of Making Homemade Wine without Yeast
Due to the increasing popularity of making wine without the use of yeast, here are the following benefits of winemaking through this process:
- The product known as the natural wine contains no additives and chemical ingredients that are predominantly found in conventional wine.
- Wild yeasts also develop the flavors in wine over time making natural wine incredibly great-tasting.
- Natural wines have good levels of alcohol content which is uniquely regional.
Cons of Making Homemade Wine without Yeast
Even if the process is all-natural, the wild fermentation still entails some drawbacks.
- The strain of yeast being used is unknown since the process is a little bit uncontrolled.
- Natural wines flavor may sometimes taste funky due to the unknown yeast strain or bacterial presence.
How to Make Homemade Wine without Yeast
Despite some of the disadvantages on how to make homemade wine without yeast, wine lovers still embraced this process. Actually, the way on how to make homemade wine without yeast is not as complicated as you think. Yet, the entire process is somehow time-consuming. Perhaps, once you taste the result, you may find that the complicated way on how to make homemade wine without yeast is generally worthy.
Materials Needed:
Here are the things that you need in order to make homemade wine without yeast:
- Bowl – ceramic type and with a large size
- Cloth – for covering the bowl and allowing the release of carbon dioxide inside the bowl
- Airlock
- Jug – glass type and with large size like a carboy; moreover, the mouth should be small
- Basically, sterilize the container that you will be using before you start doing the process on how to make homemade wine without yeast. Simply add boiling water on it, let it dry, and wipe it with isopropyl alcohol.
- You can actually use different grape varieties in doing this natural winemaking like making a homemade muscadine wine. Or, you can use other fruits such as plums, berries, and pineapple.
RECIPE #1: How to Make Homemade Wine without Yeast – Using Grape Fruit

Check this step-by-step process on how to make homemade wine without yeast using grape fruit:
1. Put the grape fruit into a sterilized bin
Initially, the first step on how to make homemade wine without yeast using grapes is to place the fruit into a clean container. Ensure that the container has a coating that does not react with the content.
2. Mash the fruits using your hands
Basically, break every piece of the grape as long as you can. Eventually, squeeze out all the liquid from the fruit as possible. It is actually okay to leave some stems into the container as that part contains tannins which are responsible for slowing the ageing of wine.
3. Add organic honey
You can add a teaspoon of raw and organic honey if you want as this ingredient is generally optional. Moreover, the addition of honey will naturally provide yeast and enhance the fermentation process.
4. Place the cloth on top of the jug
Cover the top of the jug using a piece of cloth and secure it through a rubber band.
5. Stir the liquid
For about four to five times per day, better to stir the liquid for the period of the first few days.
6. Wipe the side of the bowl
Generally, clean the side of the bowl by wiping off any mold forming into it.
7. Filter the mixture
Once you see that the formed bubbles decrease, filter the liquid into the carboy. Eventually, put the airlock on top to prevent the escape of carbon dioxide and the entering of oxygen. Moreover, take off carbon dioxide on a twice a day basis. Afterwards, reduce the frequency of this step down to once daily.
8. Taste the wine
Basically, taste the wine for you to see if you like the taste. Leave it for another week of maturity in case you don’t like it.
9. Transfer into a wine bottle
Once the taste is already okay, pour the wine into a wine bottle and cork it. Place it in a cool, dark place until the fermentation process is completed. It is actually advisable to taste it weekly until it achieves your preferred level of alcohol and wine flavor profile.
RECIPE #2: How to Make Homemade Wine without Yeast – Out of Strawberry Hull
Generally, this recipe on how to make homemade wine without yeast using the strawberry hull is also a great-tasting one. Although the strawberries contain sufficient natural substances, the yeast or the mother is not actually required. Moreover, this recipe can make around 4 cups of wine.

1. Prepare all the strawberries
Initially, collect all the strawberries whether it is beaten, bruised, hulls, or whole.
2. Add the other ingredients
Basically, add the ¼ cup of sugar into a quart of water and dissolve it in a wide-mouthed container. Make sure that the container is not of a metal type. Moreover, the sugar content wouldn’t be a problem as it naturally breaks down during the fermentation process of the strawberries.
3. Weigh down the wine
Add the strawberries measuring around 1 ¼ to 1 ½ cups and using something heavy such as a small jar, weigh down the strawberry. Make sure that you maintain the strawberries submerged in order to prevent the formation of mold.
4. Ferment the strawberry wine
Cover the top of the container with strawberry liquid with cheesecloth and secure it using a rubber band. Basically, keep it in a cool, dark place for the period of thirty days. Generally, swirl the container slowly every day so that formation of mold may be prevented.
5. Strain
After the period of one month, strain the small bits of strawberries and transfer it into a wine bottle with a cork.
6. Let it age
Once already transferred and properly corked in a wine bottle, keep it in a cool, dark place and let it age there. Do this step for about six months prior to drinking.
RECIPE #3: How to Make Homemade Wine without Yeast – from Rice Grain
Generally, the natural wine from fermented rice is known for the high and single flavor that it has. The main use of rice wine within the East Asian region is primarily for cooking and it becomes a good alternative for sugary miring. However, due to its excellent flavor profile, the rice wine can be poured on directly into the goblet.
How to make homemade wine without yeast using the fermented rice is actually very easy. And with only two elements in this wine recipe, you will be really satisfied with the flexible taste of this rice wine.
1. Clean the rice
Basically, the first and important step on how to make homemade wine using the rice grain is to clean or wash it. Measure at least 2 cups of rice and wash it thoroughly until the water becomes slightly clear and plain. It is also recommendable if you could try to use muggy rice or those with a viscous texture. This type of rice generally creates a special taste compared to the ordinary one.

2. Steep the rice
Once you’re done with cleaning the rice, steep it in boiling water for at least one hour. Using a strainer, damage the form of the rice and take away off the water.
3. Boil the water
Get two cups of water from the damaged rice and put about two cups into the streamer’s bottom. Eventually, cook the water or you can boil it using a pan of average size in case you don’t have a steamer.
4. Steam the rice
After boiling the water, place the rice into the peak portion of the steamer. Allow it to produce fog for about 25 minutes. If you do not have a streamer, place the rice strainer on top of the hot water. Just make sure that the rice doesn’t touch the hot water. Put a pot cover on the maintaining riddle and let it fog once again for another 25 minutes.
5. Check the steaming process
Get off the cover of the steamer and check the status of the rice after the 25 minutes period. In case you see a solid or crispy consistency, stir the rice and allow it to make more vapors. Basically, do an inspection for a period of every five minutes time. In case the steaming process is finished, take it out from the heat.
Eventually, move the rice to a cooking status. Once finished, scoop it out from the cooking state and transfer it on something with skeletal cover to enhance its cooling. It is basically important to cool down the rice before proceeding to the process of fermentation. Moreover, spreading out of the rice quickens its cooling process.
6. Ferment the rice
Once the rice is already cool, start the fermentation process. Keep it in a cool, dark place and let it stay there for a period of weeks.
Final Thoughts
The process of how to make homemade wine without yeast is actually easy. This winemaking actually goes on a natural process through the wild fermentation method. With the popularity of the natural winemaking, there are generally numbers of incredible homemade wine recipes without using the yeast as part of its ingredients. From grapes to berries, peaches, and rice, you can definitely make a great-tasting homemade wine of your choice. So, let’s cheers on that!